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Some Netflix No Chill
The Radio Bebop Letterboxd List Lives
LET’S. BE. IDIOTS. Ok so I’m going to try to do a 50 movies in 50 days challenge (this is my version of pushups) and if you want to join in, you can follow the link at the bottom.
This is partially just something I’ve wanted to do for a bit and partially some prep work for a database idea my buddy and I have been kicking around. If that idea gets off the ground you’ll be hearing about it in here, but either way I think this will be fun. The real motivation is that watching movies constantly is my dream life so I’ve decided to start living it post haste.

As an aside, Letterboxd has become one of my favorite sites over the last year or so and, while my catalogue and reviewing is woefully behind on it, I’m excited to camp out here for the rest of my life and horde movie lists and hot takes like I’m a weird old lady in a cinema cabin. I might change or add things to the list as I go, and feel free to drop any suggestions in the comment section at the bottom of the page so we can all ball harder.
Alright HERE WE GO