These Days Are Just Packed #6

In Stitches

The best stuff I find these days tends to come from single-creator or small team brands on socials like Instagram or TikTok, and I’ll probably break my jaw droning on and on about this but things are only going to get better and better for people who want to carve out a niche for themselves making strange shit that only they would think of. So, today is just 2 folks I’ve followed for awhile whose stuff I love and whose model is the kind of consumer product business I’m most excited about these days. Mainly, people who build in public and go all in on what it is they actually love to make rather than trying to dumb it down. If I were starting my own company again this is the sort of approach I’d be using, and if I had a fund investing in consumer brands I’d be looking for things like these that hadn’t quite hit their upswing yet.

I want this duck coat more than any other piece of clothing on this our mortal, material plane and someday I hope that happens for me. In the meantime, this shop hand makes clothes out of vintage fabrics and puts out collections occasionally that always have a number of sick shirts in them. I’m a massive fan.

I’m fucking obsessed with this stuff, but I haven’t been fast enough yet to get in on their drops. I can’t wait to own something from here in my size and I frankly don’t even care what it is.