These Days Are Just Packed #5

Tinkersynth sprinkles incalculable treasures

Checking in with a reprieve from stuff to buy ahhhhhh sweet relief. This morning I found Tinkersynth, which is a generative art tool made by Weiwei Xu. Overall, vacation Rules Ass but I got a little bit bummed out this morning from not making anything so far this week so I decided to use Tinkersynth to make a phone background for myself. When I exported it, the system named it Incalculable Treasure so I kept the name and just made a 1080×1920 template in Canva for it so my iPhone would stop being like LOOK AT IT whenever I tried to add it to my wallpaper. Super easy so if you want to make your own today that’s one way to do it. The one I made is below as well in case you want to check it out. You’ll notice that the design cuts off on the sides which drove me insane but I left it to help me let go of needing everything to resolve in specifically formatted ways. Happy Wednesday.