These Days Are Just Packed #4

Pottery couches for all

This is the sickest ceramic thing I’ve stumbled across recently. Kayla and I became friends when we both worked at Cloud9, and at the time she was making pretty rad jewelry on the side. Fast forward maybe 9 months and she left to start out on her own making ceramics after taking classes on it for awhile, and sometime last week I bumped into a TikTok video of hers that had blown up over this line of ceramic couches she’d made. I got one for Sloane for her jewelry or for us to put our keys etc on by the door, but I imagine there are a lot of other fun ways to use these around your house or office. I love anything that takes something quotidian and makes it strange and/or interesting, and I’m stoked to see what else she makes as her business grows.

Below is the one I bought, and you can check the rest of them out here. MORE LIFE.